29 November, 2007

late posts..

25th November 2007

Been upset with work lately. The drive to work is no longer that strong like before.. Committing into work seems to be fruitless when no longer being able to feel the appreciation. When I learnt that I’m the 1st student, I can picture that in her head that as if she is a great teacher. Everyone can see how she taught the 2nd and how she treated the 2nd. She’s plain useless. It’s not she who taught me well, it was me who learn well. I’m making my move to make her realize that she isn’t that great. She is juz a useless fat ass. Everyone is seeking me and trying to pull me over to their department and yet I stayed on. No appreciations are fine but BOMBS? Damn u. I will show u how tiny u are. The world is not as easy as what u thought. U are not married, no children, and yet u can boast abt how willing to teach u are. Please, u are juz being naïve. U have not seen the world. Since u think that u are that great, I shall set the plot and see u fail.

It was a wrong to go out on sat nite.. Drunk so much beer after a red wine makes me lose myself.. In the end, only returned home at 7am.. Din go for my lesson due to such heavy head. It was a bad nite. Damn. Gals are nothing but troubles.

Going for the dinner later. Dun really feel like going coz the aftermath is still going on.. Damn.. I hate myself.. I hate my life..

29th November 2007

Last thursday morning. Brought mum and 4th aunt to Yam cha for the 1st time since 25yrs.. Haiz... In the end, it's no yet open so we went to a nearby restaurant for the normal dim sum instead.. =.= Wanted to let them have a good meal also so difficult..

It's really my forte to pass tests/exams with one attempt.. Lolx.. From pri sch to sec sch to poly to driving. Basically anything.. Actually on that day, I had zero confidence due to rain early in the morning.. I'm always a coward whenever it comes to wet wet.. Lolx.. As early as 5am I lost confidence while having breakfast liao.. Rather to run away, I kept whistling whilst the warm-up/test trying to look as calm as possible, at the same time being alert with 100% concentration.. At the waiting room, the 10 testers came in one by one calling out number tags machiam 'shi shen' or devil, calling out those who will die.. Lolx... The heart went weak..

The road is one bloody dangerous hell.. =.= It's the drivers who are the devils not the riders. Damn. I shld get my car faster. =.= That stupid metallic blue subaru. Knn same destination as me some more. Wah kao...

It's been a long time since I last kept sending fanciful sms.. Ever since the mid of my last relationship when I change fone to dopod.. Good thing abt dopod is can store many many sms, like i've got 2k sms in inbox now.. =.= too many to go thru to find those fanciful msg to forward.. However, now got quite a few in a new folder.. Hehe.. =)

When she told u, "i've returned him already.", she's lying without a brain. All gals can juz lie whenever, whatever, whichever, whoever. Well, she juz wants u to bed her so that u will keep going back. She juz wanna open her legs. I knew she was such a slut thus I dun really care much. Dun even care when she's coming back to sg again. Despite those msg and calls to ask me to go find her. Pretty faces are often a deception as a decoy to get what they really wanted. Not as if I care anyway.

It was such a nice weather and suddenly it turns bad again.. =.= Felt some raindrops at my 1st shopping place.. Hope the 2nd will be better.. And maybe still gotta go to the 3rd.. If 3rd confirm, still got 2 other places to go... Sigh... Then lastly tonite still got the airport to go.. Wat a busy day.. But I dun really mind.. It will worth my time definitely.. =)

At the airport, finally saw her.. =) Though I dun really remembered the face if u were to ask me.. YX says I kept beo-ing char bo and I said such things… lolx.. well, seriously lor… Maybe a few more meeting up when JL comes back from Sweden. =) I believe the time will come. Hehe..

Unable to get the documents done despite the facts that I lost so much sweat today… =.= But all is well, coz it’s final I guess.. =) Looking forward to Saturday or latest on Monday.. I can’t wait for my baby!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!! Lol..

Burdens are getting heavy once again due to no planning on the incomings… Sigh… Wat to do.. It’s all for my baby and definitely it’s worth it lor.. =) The rain will be over soon and the sun will once again shine.. =) I dun mind without having the rainbow, I merely need the warm light..

Notice had been passed and ‘no-life’ had began again.. Say goodbye to freedom and say hi to the money rolling in once again.. =) The sufferings are merely moments, the returns gonna bring me to higher ground! Tough times dun last, tough ppl does. *wink* My baby will pull this thru with me. =)

21 November, 2007

Vase or Glass?

Think need to use what EY taught me to do rapports.. Lolx.. It's actually quite a good way for rapports.. For old friends, for new friends.. But will only do it after I had gotten my wife.. Without my wife, I dun really feel like doing anything at all.. Seriously dun have the drive... =.= Chong chu jiang hu eh..? Well, maybe.. =)

Working 2nd shift with OTs kept allowing me to see lots of OLs when going work.. Those reporting for work, smell extremely good coz the day is fresh and their scents are strong. Lolx I sound like a perv. =P

Dun have the confidence yet faking the confidence makes my heart at ease.. 'fake it till u make it' indeed a nice and sweet way to boost one's confidence.. Thanks Jolvin. =) I heard his voice saying that and reminding me everytime in his white Honda Integra..

Got a sudden urge to find her.. Lately kept having that feeling to look for her.. Wanted to msg her in msn to get her contact coz i've lost it ever since i'm attached that time.. She is an easy-catch though older than me by 1yr.. Still remember that time when I disturb her and I gotten a positive answer.. I told her that I wanted to go Taiwan and she said she wanna go too.. Then I told her can but only got a single room with twin bed.. Lolx.. But unable to find any resistance and her eagerness plus innocence makes me lagi confused.. Lolx.. Though she's small-sized but she's quite big, this remark was thrown by Don that time.. And I think he failed.. Lolx.. To get a gal how can be use this way de.. Haha.. Haiz.. Too bad, no chance to teach or show him the right way.. =P

Had juz evolved my signature while retaining the original pattern and added 'rick' to it. Not bad looking wor.. Haha.. Nice. =) Oh, and i'm quite surprised that Mr Yip called me Rick instead of Weixing.. I'm getting used to it.. =)

Seriously both paid around the same amount though the time consumed is different.. But like I said before, it's not abt how much can a person earn. Even though if he/she is earning $5k/mth but if the spending power is increased drastically, by the end of the day he/she is still left with nothing'. I know of someone whose earnings is merely $1k but his bank is forever more than mine despite my earnings is more than double of his. =.=

Sat went for majong with jasmine around. She long time no join us liao.. She's going ROM next mth coz of their flat is coming. Think their wedding will not be so early due their flat gonna cost a bomb already. That day wasn't expecting to win at all and initial stage i'm already not gaming much.. But in the end i'm the biggest winner. Lolx.. Some things are still too early to say.. Cannot pass judgment juz like that.. =) Then at nite I rode yx's bike and tongbang him to my place then he rode home.. Sportsbikes are indeed different from those in BBDC.. However, he said a no license one rode better than him.. =.= It's juz that he dun have the confidence only...

He was quite shocked that i'm in such a huge burden on me, clearing $1k+ every mth.. Well, if not why do u think i'm so hardworking to work. I never chiong so much de but becoz of that I had to.. Normal jobs with less than $2k are not for me.. That's y when leon asked me to quit my job I was pissed at how relaxing when he said that. Dawn also asked me to go over to her there to work as the amount that I wanted is possible plus more free time. However, sales are sales. They are never stable. Somemore it's not in my expertise.. I'm that realistic.

We went into the conversation of gals again. He kept saying that I shld not pay off those debts for her. Well, it's like a price to pay lor.. Then he said that treat it as if going geylang lor but high-class one lah.. Lolx.. It's cheaper for geylang lor but maybe beocz of 34D so bobian lor.. He said his 32A cheaper, only $300+.. Lolx.. Jokes aside and 'all-gals-are-nonsense' is applied to me only.. He's outta the trap and again falling into the web.. Well well, who dare says 'girls-next-door' will not have such things happening? The future is an uncertainty. Which cat doesn't eat fish? No matter black cat, flower cat, white cat, all also eat fish. Discrimination leh.. Well, facts of life.

She was right, me and yx are almost like couple. Lolx.. But I confirm that both of us are straight.. =) Maybe last time we fought too much and also we overcome a lot together.. 10+ yrs are not for nothing..

'It's said that if one eat my heart and he/she will attain longevity.. Everyone want to catch me and take out my heart.. However becoz of this guy, my heart doesn't seems to be impt to me and I dun even mind giving him my heart.. It is as if my heart is not mine solely but his too.. He didn't stole my heart, I gave mine to him. It belongs to him solely.'

So much of a random thought. =.= Anyway, back to work. At work, again i'm the usual active and no-temper guy.. However, seems that i'm getting more and more irritated by some in there.. Trying to take off my mask and reveal the actual me ah? Dun regret that coz i'm trying hard not to show the bad-tempered me.. Life's bitch.

Baobei vic called me on sunday.. She already said many times and asked many times regarding notebook.. Haha.. Saying that she confirm getting it liao so asked me abt the upgrades.. Haha.. I'm juz like her personal computer consultant.. But i'm that cheehong lah so I dun mind coz she's pretty. Lolx.. I think not long ago I juz grumble abt such case.. I'm so sorry but both gals' level of pretty are too big of a different.. =P But no desire of anything in me coz this one appears to be the same boats that I saw/experienced. Nevertheless, I will not walk out on her coz without her I wun have learn much mental qualities in EY.. =)

Several days more only.. The excited feeling is on and off. I guess i've calmed down which is great. Taking it with a clear mind is always much better than taking it with a cloudy mind. =)

Communication is always the key to bonding/rapport and keeping up with one another’s life. But too many times ppl tend to drift away when their minds are being cloud or rather on cloud nine. Anyway, I’m sticked to my belief of “Friends are forever but not relationships, at least that’s what I always believed.” The world today is no longer the same as before where the gals are always being faithful to their guys and guys are always the ones who fool around. Nowadays, both genders are the same. This is not discrimination but facts. Afterall everyone is out to look for fun and excitement in life as life itself is short. I still do value friendships regardless of genders. Friends are friends, not juz he or she.

I dun really meant to do some hurting but rather I felt there’s a right for u to know the spoken inside which often get stucked in the throat. Masks are easily put on despite revealing after some times. Reality bites and there’s no escaping in fate. What meant to be will be, what’s not will not. Given my nature, I’m easily forgiving but sometimes it can be quite hard. If there are no obstacles between me and YX and JL, there’s no way we three can bond ourselves together as brothers. Not juz anyone who called me bro and I will regard him/her as one machiam close kin. In return for that greeting, I will greet back in a matter of courtesy and not from the bottom of the heart. Juz like how Xuehui kept asking how come she’s not being one of my best friends. Well, I can be yours but u might not be mine. Simple? It’s a 2-way traffic not 1-way, I’m sorry.

Not everyone is perfect and everyone is trying to be as perfect as possible to whatever he/she can to the best of his/her abilities. Imperfection is a norm. That’s why there are things called ‘Accept’, ‘Forgive’, ‘Change’, ‘Amend’, ‘Understand’, etc. Everyone is learning everyday till the day of doomsday. A person never stops learning no matter the age or gender. Inevitable that fate might lead one to hell or maybe heaven. The growing never stops. Running away from reality doesn’t really help. Instead, facing reality is the hardest thing. Juz like facing the fact that someone actually went on honeymoon with another guy and yet can accuse me of any single slightest thing that she can ever find. Being unable to face that will lead me to jump down from my floor(20th floor only though). Juz like being scolded by a pretty gal(in EY) directly on the face for being a ‘gu-niang’ in my own childish thoughts and yet being able to face that fact and face the cruel reality and society with bravery and guts, then sow to change myself to become a different me to fit into the criteria. Life in EY is hard and full of sufferings and mental torturing plus insults being thrown. I grow up the hard way with the defend system taught by a senior with EY enhancing it further more.

If u are unable to face this reality or rather unable to overcome this ‘trivial matter’ with me, it is unlikely to amend the crack-lines and more yet to come in the future as the future is always unpredictable. True friendships and strong bonding are not being built in a day or in a month or in a year. To be precise, it’s not being built juz like that as it requires two to make one. By making it happened, there must be tons of difficulties before it can be truly attained. Everyone ought to be given chance(s) for mistakes/disasters to fit in and then be eliminated by both parties, this I agree and I’m not saying I ain’t giving out any chances. See the timing and opportunity. Seize it when it comes. It will not be difficult if the mind is clear. Communication is always the key but I no longer had the time for it. Time is scarce and unable to fork out anymore redundantly. It’s precious and will only use it wisely. If I think it’s a waste to use it on u, u will know it. If I think it’s a waste to use it on u, I dun think I would even bother to waste time typing out all these post with that not so gentle reminder. To capture one’s heart, 1st try to understand the heart. The door is not easily opened yet it’s not as cold as it seems to be. Tough times dun last, tough ppl does. Peace out for now.

19 November, 2007




Makes me feel like it's almost the same as my fave, 黑色幽默.

16 November, 2007

I'm angry.

Disappointed.. Haiz.. Suddenly dun have the drive.. =.= what's with the goddamn sian thing.. Haiz.. Again that feelings kicking in and getting pissed off at every single thing and every single one.. Again I dun need nobody neither do I need somebody..

Finally i've cleared it. Damn I shld have cleared it last wk de.. Gana one immediate.. Exactly the same pts minus of the plank.. 12pts. Today gotten 16pts, the 4pts from plank.. Only if I did it last wk.. =.= And the weirdest thing that I dun get it is I gotten perfect score with no penalties on the road for both.. Knn... Am I really that zai..? Lolx..

Lady luck is smiling at me.. She granted me 2days.. *muacks* =D Though I was still hoping for 9days or 7days in advance de.. But still contented with what I was given.. Tsk.. I'm such an easy-going guy.. Wahahaha...

Sunday went with my sis go make her specs then after that supposed to be meeting the guys at Mustafa.. I was too late I guess.. In the end met up at sls instead while JL gets his PSP Slim, 1gb ms pro duo and 160gb hdd while I get a 1gb ram for my notebook.. Almost got a new graphics card, 6xxx series and an additional two 1gb ram for each of my computers... Damn I muz be crazy.. 3 computers at home.. Lol..

After sls we went on to vivo(again!!) to look for Canon showroom.. Took a look at the crystals at the dunno-what-name-shop.. Damn nice I tell ya.. Eyes painful from the glare.. Lolx.. 999 roses can't beat a single rose on a crystal vase... But JL said that the rose is not fit to put on the crystal vase.. Lol.. A crystal pendant will beat all silver pendant.. =.= Crystals are said to bring good luck and ward all evils and maybe even demoness.. Lolx.. =P

Complain to the guys a bit abt getting back to no-life soon when starting work on monday.. YX was rite that despite this life, at least like now, we can juz go out shopping and eat and buy without having the thot of 'wah no money liao, cannot buy lah cannot eat lah cannot shop lah'.. Even getting my temporary 'wife' also no need to wait few mths.. Of coz getting a brand new wife will still requires me to lah.. I'm not like Jasmine who is being offered a $4500 pay job and she's still considering.

Not all university grad can get those offers.. Well, and luckily she already bought her house.. If not, her pay adds up with han's pay will not be able to buy any HDB flat coz they are too high-paid. Haha.. Anyway, i'm still waiting for the house-warming.. =)

Watched Stardust on sat.. Quite nice show to me.. Juz like pirates carribean, an unexpectedly acceptable nice show.. Watched the show and reminded me of Jenny.. It would be even nicer if I watched that show with her.. She sure has a lot of comments to yak abt after the show.. Haha.. Yes, she's a stars-lover.. Oops.. I shld not be spoiling the show since there are ppl who had not watched it.. =)

Unable to see one that I like on sat.. Maybe this sat or next sat going to see again.. JL is flying off on 29th.. We still gotta drive there.. Guess I shld not withdraw.. Or maybe I shld.. O.o At most take cab home lor.. It wun be expensive until where de lah. See how lor still got more than 2wks time..

Lingyan aka Jocelyn, is getting married on the 25th.. Quite sudden to me though not to everyone else.. Never occurred to me that they had been together for so long already.. Age is catching up I guess...

This is NOT a gentle reminder. If u read this, I believe u know i'm refering to u but i'm not naming. Anyway, again the same old bloody thing that I hate happened again. When that time I lent something to u and in the end where the hell was it? It was in Jason's hands. I think I did mentioned that u are the one who I entrust something to u, not others. He's not even a 'friend' to me. Or rather, none of ur boyfriends are. U are again neglecting my feelings and taking the thing called 'friendship' for granted. Lemme ask u one question then. Can I borrow ur I-Mac for my friend? She's having an exam and she needed a mac for her interior designing project. Would u lend it to me? In fact, if u had ever seen the intended lender or even spoken to the intended lender before, I dun believe u will. BUT if i'm the one who need it for my exam, I THINK u might consider. It's two different situations I know but I tot u might know my style and thinking. Well, I dun really mind but suddenly I felt I was being taken for granted for nothing. If that's the case, I guess taking it back from u(or him) and passed it to carol's younger sis to play is even more SONG, coz I feel like it. Even though me and her got nothing at all. At least she will not pass to her bf to play her friend's thing like machiam 'that's supposed to be the case'. I never like to get to know a friend's gf/bf. Becoz those are not even my friend, like hell I care if they are nice or clever or useful or watever. Juz like me going to a wedding dinner is to congrats my friend who is getting married not the husband/wife who got to marry/married my friend. Dun get it? U mean u would come to my wedding dinner and congrats my wife for getting married? I dun mind mixing around with 'spouse' or 'partner' but those are never regards as friends in the 1st place. To me they are always known as 'ur bf' or 'ur gf'. I dun even wanna know the name. Another example is imagine u wanna borrow my bike due to overwhelming expenses on taxis to work. I will gladly lend it to u.. Ride a few days and then pass to ur bf juz becoz he wanted to and can pillion u to work anyway. It is ridiculously nonsensical. Anyway, this is unforgivable. If u think that friendship is not like a vase, well, u are wrong then. I seeked friendships but not friends who will violate trust. It's no big deal to u anyway which is already in ur mind with ur self-indulgence mindset. I'm not kelvin, i've told u many times. And the thing I kept saying is 'gals are all bullshits', and i'm not showing favoritism. Coz, i'm no longer the Weixing. I'm Rick. Used to think that I can go anywhere to get things done for a gal but now that’s no longer the case. If whoever thinks that I shld do that, tell me what had u done for me in the 1st place for me to treat u differently or rather in a special way. My sister is different, I can never find another Lyndon in my entire life. Gals? There are plentiful out there. One walks out, another came in and life still goes on.

My dog always wags its tail happily when I came home, no matter how sad or angry or happy, he will greets me happily with slight a bit groaning signaling me or rather awaiting for my 'sayang' or even a pat on its head.. Even if nothing was given, the next day he will still do the same thing without fail without getting angry. I felt i'm behaving like one. I'm realistic. Maybe if u feed me daily plus my expenses daily, I might consider though I doubt i'm that easy to maintain due to high fuel consumption. I'm Rick and i'm not a dog. If u dun look at me that way, it's none of my business coz it's me, myself and I who felt like it.

Anyway, I dun need an apology nor do I need an explanation. There's no 'sorry', coz if 'sorry' do work, why is there a need for police? Juz leave things as it is and u live ur life while I live mine. There's no way to fix a broken vase(not heart, mind u) and there isn't a need to. Let's leave it to fate and most importantly, my mood. I'm not ending this friendship, juz wanna let known that it had deteriorated. To salvage it, juz leave me alone for now. If u wanna end it, I ain't stopping u. I will not hate u. All I can say is, thanks, for once being my friend. U are not in my hate-list being the 4th unless u desired to be.

Saw the photos of someone in my friendster.. She's so much like that bitch.. =.= Though different height and weight lah.. But she's quite power lor.. Got the CFM-look and close to devilish-body.. Quite a numbers of semi-naked pics and cleverage-showing pics.. So much like the bitch.. Ya she is a singaporean, quite young but older than the bitch though. =) Oh well, both are whores I guess. No different. Anyway, none of my business. AIDS KILLS.

10 November, 2007


Oh man!! Love at the 1st sight! Alluring, charming, elegant, pretty, exotic. Lolx...... Can't stop praising.. =P But seriously, the whole day yest I was so excited.. Juz like there's adrenaline rush in my vein... I was grinning from face to face, smile to smile. I'm so in love.. The time is near and I can't seems to wait!!! =( Someone saved me please!! Lolx.. =D Of coz I will treat her the best I can and give her nothing but the best!! Will post pics when the time is ripe. Hee =) =D =P However, so many ppl are disapproval of it.. Haiz.. True on many factors lah.. They had all the reasons against the idea.. My mind is in a whirl now.. Darn.. Need somemore thoughts and feel before coming to a finalized decision.. It's crucial...

3rd shift finally ended and i'm ended up with cough, fever, flu and sore throat.. Lolx.. Money wasn't easy to earn.. Haiz.. Health in exchanged for wealth.. How true.. In the end wealth in exchanged for health.. Toking abt health, is she dead yet? It's almost a yr from the day she said she will die. Not yet? Wat a pity.. Quickly let me see. I longed to see that, obnoxious bitch. =)

Read this mth's FHM. Age 30 plus-minus a bit are the most attractive and ideal ladies.. Coz they will know what they wanted in life and will know what to ask for what they wanted.. 20 and below are all kids. From 21 to 27 are all gals. I've got a couple of ladies around that 30ish and yes I do find them better than any other younger gals.. And they attract me more too. Lolx.. Maybe becoz age is catching up with me.. No longer wanting to play like the past.. Haha.. The time for financial criss is almost over if things gonna stay like that for another few mths.. Killed the starhubs, next will be the redundant singnet for that bitch, then will be dopod and lastly transport. After that will be full focus on planning on my career be it job or biz. When I secured that, my home will be coming.. After that will settle down and proceed to 3rd stage of life.. Still a long way to go.. =) As the tough gets going, so are the body, mind and soul. Nothing is impossible, juz had to beilieve in it.. Wah I sound like i'm back in EY.. Lolx.. I miss all the warriors..

Read up on someone recently and seems that her willfulness is back on track.. Lolx.. That's how this gal is supposed to be. =) That's the one that I knew all along. Some think that holding on is strong, maybe it's letting go.. Watever choices or paths u gonna take/choose, juz be urself. I'm always around whenever i'm free and available for ya, like I used to be.. =)

Saw Jessica on sun noon on msn. Oh man, she didn't know how much I missed her.. =( So worry abt her coz saw some stuffs on her friendster profile.. In the end, it's all false alarm.. =.= Kept asking me to go visit her at indonesia.. Aiyo if I can leave my work, sure I will go.. Indo-chi had the best hospitality for visitors. =) She said something that made me embarrassed.. Due to me asking what happened regarding her profile, she asked if I was hoping to hear a 'divorce' from her.. =.= Well, no comments on that. Seriously if she's not married, I will consider her coz she's a real nice gal.. =) Told her that if she's coming to sg, will bring her around for great food. That's what I had planned long ago.. One example of a nice place is Mount Faber. Superb scenery view with nice environment and nice food.. She's the only one I ever thot of bring her there.. Dun have to mention the bitch coz that time was juz to kid her, it'll be a total wastage on her. Anyway last time me and jess had the chance but I can't afford it.. Haha.. She reminded me the night at Fullerton Hotel with her.. Well, that time she's kinda lock-out and had no place to stay for the night.. Thus I accompany her whole night touring sg? Haha.. I brought her to Fullerton and showed her how nice the toilets are.. Lolx.. Lame I know.. =P But that's all we did at there.. Oh I forgot, still got take pics there.. Haha.. Thereafter we stayed at EY office for the night then next day I report to work.. Well, the moments are short but sweet. Though nothing happened but somehow that's how we got closer to each other.. She's one down-to-earth gal that I admire.

LOTRO currently stopping coz 7days trial ended.. Quite a nice game that I will consider getting the monthly reload.. Currently back on track on RO.. Those memories.. Haha.. Different feelings on different worlds. Weird.. Haha.. Anyway it's juz a game and since it's free, juz do it. Lolx..

Had juz booked my Final Theory Test. Had to wait for 2mth. Damn.. Waiting time is so long.. Argh.. Guess will only be able to book TP in June or so.. Zzzzzzz..

Somehow I dun have much confidence for this coming 28th... And this sat might be making a grave mistake... I'm still considering seriously on my plannings..

Spoke to jason recently.. Seems that things are not in good shape for him.. Well, if i'm taking the same path as him before this current job, I might ended up juz like him now... I'm not saying his job is no good.. It's great coz for me I loved talking to ppl and my PR wasn't that bad as well.. But due to heavily in debt, the beginning of that job is a killer for me.. Juz like how it gonna kill him now.. Pathetic pay for the 1st few mths and high pay thereafter.. His pay will not lose to me of coz and his time is lesser than me.. But no time is better for me coz whenever I got time, money will be reducing quickly.. Now with this job I dun have the time to spend money thus all can be thrown to pay off debts with minimal surviving allowances.. With this if I dun have debts, I could even afford a car and a bike or even get a house.. I dun need 2k expenses monthly. 500 is more than enuff then remaining 2k+ can be thrown anywhere else be it housing, cars, travels, or even enjoying buying luxury stuffs I always wanted.. But that's not my life.. I had better plans and earning almost 3k a mth is insufficient.. Haha.. Sorry but I got ambitions.. =P

Met up with kel, mike and jason at BQ. With another person called Alice. Their colleague I supposed. Seen her at JS club on Kel's bday the other time. That time went there with dawn and lyn.. The time that I collapsed. Lolx pathetic when looking back.. Anyway this Alice is cool.. A 24-yr-old mum with a daughter of age of 4 is indeed different in thinking from many kids out there.. Quite a stunner on how matured she was.. She's sorta medium build roughly juz like dawn but slightly bigger size, size as in overall size not that size.. =.= That size both also sama-sama.. Haha.. Anyway, that matters not. =) Coz big doesn't mean good, flat doesn't mean good either. This 'flat' statement is on behalf of JL.. Lolx..

It's your Ego that kills u. But what's with a person without Ego? Pathetic wuss. One had to be complex in order to deal with different situations.. Juz like how I would drop my ego with my cap being 'stolen' and yet dun mind at all.. Juz like how I put up my Ego when being treated like a Personal Computer Personal Technician WITHOUT GETTING PAID AT ALL. Well, certain things are fine while some are not. Haha. I would slap a gal nowadays juz like the past if something is done wrongly and unforgivable. It's so wrong not to hit gals when they did wrong. That's plain foolish. Coz they will do more wrong in the future. Some of them ought to be slapped coz they deserved it. I can help u do the dirty job if u wanted me to. U know what I mean and I know u are reading this..

Friday's my off-day.. Was thinking to rot at home to play game and slack whole day.. But promised someone that will go vivo find her.. Before that went to find jason and kelvin.. Slack and walk around aimlessly.. A lost ship without a destination, drifting and drifting.. The feeling of lost is back.. How I wish I can shut myself up at home... Anyway, walking around doing window shopping.. But basically am like looking at something but mind is at elsewhere.. It looks as if i'm reading the magazine but the fact is nothing went into my blank head even though i'm really trying hard to look at the magazine.. Haiz.. Finally time's up to meet up with dawn and gonna move on to River Valley while she waits for her bf and I wait for my gang. Hers abt 9pm+ but mine's abt 10pm+.. What a day, I guess.. =)