Haiz.. Juz now ingame juz finished making 100 Engraved Handmade Chocolate and 100 Engraved Handmade Chocolate Drinks.... Pressed the keyboard until my wrist breaking liao.. It's actually quite easy to do de..
Materals needed to make Engraved Handmade Chocolate:
1 Handmade Chocolate and 1 Chocolate
Materals needed to make Engraved Handmade Chocolate Drink:
2 Handmade Chocolate and 1 Milk
Materals needed to make Handmade Chocolate:
3 Chocolate
Materals needed to make Chocolate:
N.A(Coz can buy from a NPC(non-playing char)
Materals needed to make Milk:
N.A(Coz can buy from a NPC(non-playing char)
Materals needed to express one's love:
Time and Effort
*Sigh* Total materials need is merely 1000 chocolates and 100 milk. But the stupid NPC only allow me to buy 5 at a time. *sob* Have to tok to him 200 times.. Then have to procced to another city to tok to another NPC to make 300 Handmade Chocolates.. Have to tok to him 300 times.. *sob sob* Then proceed over to the bridge to tok to another NPC to have him engraved my name on the Handmade Chocolate and make the Chocolate Drinks.. Can only make 1 at a time as well!! Somemore if i got it liao, he wun tok to me anymore unless i put it inside my storage... *sob sob sob* Haiz... Have to press 7 times on the 'enter' key to get the stuff then press 2 times on the ohter npc to store.. >_< Seriously, at 1st i thought it's so easy.. Then i regret.. haiz.. I was thinking of making 999 each for her... Which means i still got 899 each product to make.. *faint* Making 100 each already took me roughly abt 4-5 hrs liao.. Not enuff time to make the rest b4 Vday.. Haiz.. Maybe i shld go for 512 ea.. See how lah.. Darn tired now.. Physically and mentally..
Though i've known myself that all these stuffs are in vain.. Dun even have space for improvements between us.. But so be it.. Since her bf is not around. On behalf of him, i shall treat her good. ^_^
However, i'm in a spot.. On one hand, i wish i got her. On the other, I wish i dun get her.. haiz.. Though i always tell myself "It's good to be bad", i still can't do it.. If i were to get her, i'll be letting her bf down.. As the saying goes, "Chen Huo Da Jie" << Meaning Robbing when on fire. Aiya, my england bad lah. dunno how to say. =.= But anyway, i juz dun wan her being lonely and keep thinking abt bad stuffs.. sad stuffs.. As long she's happy, i'll be content.. ^_^Nothing much to expect but her smile.
She will read this eventually..
I've got only 1 thing to say:
No matter rain or shine, winter or summer, sad or happy, i'm always here. Somewhere on earth wishing u good. I'm juz a fone call away. ^_^
Ok back to CNY reportings:
Today went to my great-granny house to ba nian. not much ppl there but seeing her so healthy and happy, i'm glad. :) She's oredi very old le.. But luckily everyone is treating her good.. Such a good family.. Then i got disturb by my great-uncle.. =.= The 'mark' on my neck has not gone away and somemore i'm wearing a long-sleeves Tee.. They spotted it and kept shooting questions at me liao.. Which makes me fumbled and loss of words.. Sweat came rolling down my cheeks drops by drops.. So embarassing.. >_< Really wish i can dig a hole and pok my head in.. ROFLMAO~ But anyway, ok lah. Managed to cope a bit.. heh..
Later, i proceed to my 4th Aunt's place to ba nian. So many ppl there.. Soe playing majong while the kids play cards. And me? Watch tv. lolx. Watched a koeran horror movie but i dunno the tittle.. =.="
My thoughts for the show:
Amazing mother and daughter story. A bit of info. There's this deserted village. This mum and daughter went there to settle down. The mother was very pretty while the daughter is blind.. The mother got her child into the school but the students kept bullying her due to her eyes.. The mum went to the sch one rainy and stormy nite to see the form teacher to plead with him to help her daughter.. She was drenched in the while shirt.. The teacher saw her and her soaked clothing.. She was so pretty and sexy that the teacher nearly raped her and somemore she did not resist.. Coz she loved her daughter and willing to do anything for her.. However, in the end, the teacher did not do so but he did not promised her also.. The mum got no choice but to use her special powers.. She lend her sight to her daughter when she goes to sch... During medical checkups, the doctor found that the gal got an illness and was blind so she is impossible to see anything. Then the other students start to bully her again.. Until her mum starts to kill them.. one by one.. Using hypotism and caused them to suicide.. Sensing the daughter is a cursed, all the villagers decided to kill the gal.. By putting a black plastic bag over her head, tied up. And then set fire to the plastic so that the whole of her head will get burnt. On the other side, the villagers set fire to the house that the mum lives. The mum is unable to escape coz she had lend her eyes to her daughter and she was seeing that her daughter was in pain, burning.. She screamed and cursed the villagers. Indeed she put a curse on them.. And killed all the murderers in the end...
Scary but i feel sad for them.. Only if the villagers are not that prejudiced against outsiders.. Haiz.. Human errror. *yawn* Am tired liao.. That's all for today. Good nite ppl.. Oyasuminasai..