Lately had been feeling fatigue despite the min 7-hrs of slp... =.=" Am i turning pig? >.<>.< I gotta bear with it somemore den.. I need some de-stress i guess. The best de-stress for me is having someone close to me. =.= Well, it's weird but she would calm me down really amazingly fast. Recharged also immediately.. =.= Anyway, dun have also like that.. At worst, tahan for 2-3 more mths lor.. =P
I met Vic and Peishan yesterday at Liang Court. At first, we meeting at BQ's Coffeebean then Vic says she prefer Starbucks so choose location.. She din tell me she was meeting me with a friend and i assume she is alone. I called a cab immediately after work as i was late liao then when i reached, she was doing a little shopping for clothings. Well, that's wat i expected outta her though. =) Anyway, within minutes she came out and called me. 1st meeting, stunned. Coz she din tell me got a friend with her. *pengz* But i got over it soon after. So unlike me.. =.=" There was a change of plan again as Vic complained that she's hungry thus we walked over to MS and eat Bah Kut Teh. They eat, i see. Coz i oredi eaten at work then somemore i go home still got supper awaiting me.. >.< Upon the chat, i found that Vic was from the same school as me. We were both from Nan Chiau but at different levels as i'm studying secondary while she study primary. It is kind of ironic.. lolx.. So qiao. =P Then she asked me got see her before or not. =.=" Walao how to tell sia.. Somemore, my secondary was not a vivid experience for me.. Both Vic and Peishan are very friendly. Actually both of them are 18 this yr. I wonder why i say 17. Maybe Vic's bday juz over when i knew her bah.. Anyway, the three of us bound to have a 2nd meeting. The next one might be going clubbing with them liao.. Maybe not, coz peishan says she dun club de.. BUT, she says she might goes. =.=" Next wk see how bah..
Overall, these two young gals are cute and friendly. ^^ Vic says she went for 3 Make-overs liao.. No wonder so many pic in there.. =.=" Peishan teased Vic saying she is craze over purple.. Purple nail polish, purple skirt, etc. Haha.. Like that more girly mah. Can amuse more guys. All my colleague surely eyes on her if they were to see her.. Juz like that time Shan that time come interview like that. Okok, a bit too exegerating.. =P
Why do ppl send fancy sms? I will send to the person if i though of her when i wanted to send sms.. Even if i dun send, it doesn't mean i dun care.. Whenever i received a sms from a friend, i would have the urge to pass it around to those whoever came across my mind when i'm pressing for names to be sent.. That time when i'm in reservist i happen to experience a painful moment.. A painful moment of not wanting to msg someone even though my heart kept telling me to.. Those 5days are a rael torture to me as i can calculate how many sms i received from that someone.. When she wakes up and goes to work on the bus, i receive one. When she goes for lunch, i receive one. When she goes to bed i receive one.. During the mid of my reservist, i suddenly stop my sms to her.. Normally when i received her msg, i would definitely reply her or send a new sms back to her.. I stopped my msg for 3 days and the 3 days are so unbearable.. Almost had a system breakdown.. The feeling of suppressing/opposing feelings is so tong ku.. Then somemore with the stress of wanting to quit the previous job adds on the pressure.. I almost ended myself rite there.. Luckily, a little mischievious piggy came along and brought me up. That was the time i realised actually she wasn't that bad IF she came on early.. But, she came juz in time to save me from agony and depression.. That earned her a place in me.. Well, she is still my good friend(not yet a best friend though.. =P). But anyway, cheers. =)
Things are getting better between me and Joanne but somehow i find it weird with Michelle. O.o Do i look like i'm out to get them? =.=" When i tok to one, the other kind of giving me the cold shoulder. Cannot do casual chats lah? =.=" Really dun understand gals.. >.<>.<> Game -> Chiong -> Sleep -> Eat -> Drink. Oh well, i've forgot how life's gonna be ever since WE made a decision.. When i had her, i had the thoughts of going movies with her, go chill-out at BQ there with her, go eat dinner with her, going clubbing with her, send her to work, etc.. Now, i dun have anything, thus, it's all abt the usual stuffs. Life still goes on with regular basis.. =) So, dun think of me as desperate coz i still will reject ppl. Muahahahaha! =X
Jason says me choosy. "You know how to choose ppl, ppl also know how to choose leh.." Thus, i never choose anymore. Whoever will come will come, whoever will go will go. It's not a choice nor an obligation, i leave it to the feelings of the hearts. If both can linkup, there shall be sparks. Some things are better left untold and understood rather than face the music and felt the pinch. Thus, i've given up and i'll never say. By using feeling, thy shall feel the flow.. Thru my actions, thru my words, thru my expressions. It's not as easy like ABC but it could be as easy as 123. There can only be one key to the mystery. Once seized, no one can break free unless owner gives up. Well, i'm that 'guai pi'. I'm being brought up this way. =)
My blog is getting shorter.. =.=" niway, that's all for day. Nite all.
26 November, 2005
22 November, 2005
That was from work.. Heard some things that i shld not have heard.. Anyway, so be it.. Work only mah.. Scared can't find meh? chey. There are still a handful of them awaiting me. Some are even much higher pay than what i'm getting now. Juz that i wun be that relax as before. Anyway, i'm off work liao. Let's not tok abt it anymore. Working 7days a week is more than a killer oredi. shacks.
Last wk got to know this gal called Vic thru wholivesnearyou and gotten her friendster, msn, blog and hp number. Seems too easy.. Kinda weird. =.=" Anyway, she's cute in all her pics. Juz like Michelle, she looks pretty mature for a young gal. She is only 17 this yr studying at MDIS. Juz known her for a few days and we are like about to meet up liao. And she dare to meet me alone at Boat Quay(That's wat she requested). Well, afterall i'm an introvert. =P Okok, it's normal for her to act this way. =P She stays quite near to my area though.. ^^ Was supposed to meet her for dinner few days back but in the end got called off.. Well, i was like 'want and dun want mood' lah.. And now i regretted. =.=" Oh well, i blame it on the nature of my work though.. >_< Haiz.. But still got chance de lah since we stay so close.. ^^ she is cute lor, this victoria.. My colleagues all see liao ask me go jio her.. =.=" See how lah ^^
Things had gotten much better for my shop neighbour and me.. =D Last sunday, Joan looked so bored sia. It's her shift last wk to work on a sunday. I can see that Michelle and Eric not around. Instead, lady boss and her elder daughter(quite cute, better looking and sounds sweeter than the young lad) are around.. Early in the morning i initiate the chat with her liao.. So unlikely of me. =.=" But her Icy look still there lah though there are still smiles on her bored face. =P Then on monday, i was chatting with Michelle regarding the clubbing on friday then i started teasing her that becoz she din go, mike also din go. Then out of the blue i spout out "aiya all becoz of Joanne lah, Mike dun wanna go becoz she din go!". Wahahaha.. Then she turn and look at me with that icy look and smile. lolx. Then today, all three of us kind of tok alot sia coz today not much customers and all of us are bored.. See i so good, entertain them.. lol.. Then Edmund lagi funny. He got Michelle's num and often sms her and had chatted with her on the fone but they never seems to tok face to face. Then today when he come jio me go smoke, as we step out of the shop i call out to michelle and ask if she wanna go toilet(me and her usual disturbing each other), can go together. Edmund was like stunned at my actions. Coz i am an introvert. Aiya he's juz being jealous. =P Anyway, he want, he take lor. I got no prob de. Gals only mah. ^^ Even though taken liao, still friends ah. Still can disturb de. =) I'm so mischief.. hehe
Shan had been having so much problems with her lovelife.. Haiz.. *sings Avril Lagvine's Complicated* Well, some things are inevitable. No choice de. If water were to flow surely to the sea, then there wun be wars and chaos liao.. Anyway, as long as she's happy can le. Being able to do wat she wan without any restrictions is a FU.. Looking at her and looking back at mysterious gal, hai.. Shan is still more fortunate.. Maybe.. I'm not disclosing wat's going on as there's no point in racking up the past. What's past had past, shall let it be buried. Anyway, i'm always available for her as a friend. =) No need scared gastric de, i can order bread and milo anytime. No need to scared cold, my winder breaker is always at my shop unless i bring it home to wash. Well, whatever u do, i'm forever backing u up. No need to scared not to tell me anything, for i would not reveal it unless i sense that u wanted me to. I maybe not be a good counsellor but i can be a normal listening and pinching-bag(sob! pain!). I maybe be a bad guy but i'm not an evil guy. Btw, i'm sorry that i will not allow u to come my house as my dog eats strangers..
I'm a real weird guy. Ppl say i'm 'guai pi', and yes i'm a bit. Depending on how, when, where, what and why. I can get pissed easily by gu-niangs. I can get pissed easily by gay-like when they disturb me. I can get excited and happy easily when friends come find me at sim lim sq. I can fall in love easily if things get comfortable without saying anything mushy at all. I can get turned off easily by small little stupid things(i.e. Joanne ignore me that time..). I can be easily satisfied with small little things. Well, i can be hard to get to know but i can be easily understood and seen thru. =.=" Men are more complex as long you came across those in your life. Women are more simple and yet complicated(ok complicated is becoz we guys think it that way..). Well, at least there are some i can somehow understand but to the extend of fully understood. Jason is rite. We can make gals think that we understand them well but in fact we merely let them believe that we did understand them so as to let us further our actions. =.=" Well, it's a fact, or shld i say it's a tactic/technique. He says it's time that i be a real bad guy and gain experiences from them.. I beg to differ as i oredi more or less gotten a bit even though i din really be a bad guy..
Now, Jason is real bored and i can see his evil horns protruding outta his head liao.. Gonna see how he fare in snatching gals from other guys. ^o^ That gonna be an eye-opener for me. It's good to be bad. Last time i wasn't very close to him, thus i dunno exactly wat's going on. I only know his ultimate is, "Woo --> Break-off with bf --> together liao --> Shoo --> despair". I can't find this ultimate technique from anyone of my friends de. Gonna see how he aim and launch at his 1st target. The MIC(Made in China) from the shop at 4th floor, the one whom i disturb that time. She's together with one of my colleague now for like a wk or so liao and she even went his place liao. Well, Jason gave my colleague his warnings liao. Hehe.. This gonna be fun. =) I wonder how that gal 'ben kuei'. =D Hmmm.. Hope i wun be lead to astray by him.. He oredi leading my mindset slowly liao.. Luckily i did not fall for his 1st trap which he seen as a potential target for me.. Indeed a very potential target which i never mentioned but i dun wan. =P Afterall, i'm a 'guai4 pi4'. =P
Last wk got to know this gal called Vic thru wholivesnearyou and gotten her friendster, msn, blog and hp number. Seems too easy.. Kinda weird. =.=" Anyway, she's cute in all her pics. Juz like Michelle, she looks pretty mature for a young gal. She is only 17 this yr studying at MDIS. Juz known her for a few days and we are like about to meet up liao. And she dare to meet me alone at Boat Quay(That's wat she requested). Well, afterall i'm an introvert. =P Okok, it's normal for her to act this way. =P She stays quite near to my area though.. ^^ Was supposed to meet her for dinner few days back but in the end got called off.. Well, i was like 'want and dun want mood' lah.. And now i regretted. =.=" Oh well, i blame it on the nature of my work though.. >_< Haiz.. But still got chance de lah since we stay so close.. ^^ she is cute lor, this victoria.. My colleagues all see liao ask me go jio her.. =.=" See how lah ^^
Things had gotten much better for my shop neighbour and me.. =D Last sunday, Joan looked so bored sia. It's her shift last wk to work on a sunday. I can see that Michelle and Eric not around. Instead, lady boss and her elder daughter(quite cute, better looking and sounds sweeter than the young lad) are around.. Early in the morning i initiate the chat with her liao.. So unlikely of me. =.=" But her Icy look still there lah though there are still smiles on her bored face. =P Then on monday, i was chatting with Michelle regarding the clubbing on friday then i started teasing her that becoz she din go, mike also din go. Then out of the blue i spout out "aiya all becoz of Joanne lah, Mike dun wanna go becoz she din go!". Wahahaha.. Then she turn and look at me with that icy look and smile. lolx. Then today, all three of us kind of tok alot sia coz today not much customers and all of us are bored.. See i so good, entertain them.. lol.. Then Edmund lagi funny. He got Michelle's num and often sms her and had chatted with her on the fone but they never seems to tok face to face. Then today when he come jio me go smoke, as we step out of the shop i call out to michelle and ask if she wanna go toilet(me and her usual disturbing each other), can go together. Edmund was like stunned at my actions. Coz i am an introvert. Aiya he's juz being jealous. =P Anyway, he want, he take lor. I got no prob de. Gals only mah. ^^ Even though taken liao, still friends ah. Still can disturb de. =) I'm so mischief.. hehe
Shan had been having so much problems with her lovelife.. Haiz.. *sings Avril Lagvine's Complicated* Well, some things are inevitable. No choice de. If water were to flow surely to the sea, then there wun be wars and chaos liao.. Anyway, as long as she's happy can le. Being able to do wat she wan without any restrictions is a FU.. Looking at her and looking back at mysterious gal, hai.. Shan is still more fortunate.. Maybe.. I'm not disclosing wat's going on as there's no point in racking up the past. What's past had past, shall let it be buried. Anyway, i'm always available for her as a friend. =) No need scared gastric de, i can order bread and milo anytime. No need to scared cold, my winder breaker is always at my shop unless i bring it home to wash. Well, whatever u do, i'm forever backing u up. No need to scared not to tell me anything, for i would not reveal it unless i sense that u wanted me to. I maybe not be a good counsellor but i can be a normal listening and pinching-bag(sob! pain!). I maybe be a bad guy but i'm not an evil guy. Btw, i'm sorry that i will not allow u to come my house as my dog eats strangers..
I'm a real weird guy. Ppl say i'm 'guai pi', and yes i'm a bit. Depending on how, when, where, what and why. I can get pissed easily by gu-niangs. I can get pissed easily by gay-like when they disturb me. I can get excited and happy easily when friends come find me at sim lim sq. I can fall in love easily if things get comfortable without saying anything mushy at all. I can get turned off easily by small little stupid things(i.e. Joanne ignore me that time..). I can be easily satisfied with small little things. Well, i can be hard to get to know but i can be easily understood and seen thru. =.=" Men are more complex as long you came across those in your life. Women are more simple and yet complicated(ok complicated is becoz we guys think it that way..). Well, at least there are some i can somehow understand but to the extend of fully understood. Jason is rite. We can make gals think that we understand them well but in fact we merely let them believe that we did understand them so as to let us further our actions. =.=" Well, it's a fact, or shld i say it's a tactic/technique. He says it's time that i be a real bad guy and gain experiences from them.. I beg to differ as i oredi more or less gotten a bit even though i din really be a bad guy..
Now, Jason is real bored and i can see his evil horns protruding outta his head liao.. Gonna see how he fare in snatching gals from other guys. ^o^ That gonna be an eye-opener for me. It's good to be bad. Last time i wasn't very close to him, thus i dunno exactly wat's going on. I only know his ultimate is, "Woo --> Break-off with bf --> together liao --> Shoo --> despair". I can't find this ultimate technique from anyone of my friends de. Gonna see how he aim and launch at his 1st target. The MIC(Made in China) from the shop at 4th floor, the one whom i disturb that time. She's together with one of my colleague now for like a wk or so liao and she even went his place liao. Well, Jason gave my colleague his warnings liao. Hehe.. This gonna be fun. =) I wonder how that gal 'ben kuei'. =D Hmmm.. Hope i wun be lead to astray by him.. He oredi leading my mindset slowly liao.. Luckily i did not fall for his 1st trap which he seen as a potential target for me.. Indeed a very potential target which i never mentioned but i dun wan. =P Afterall, i'm a 'guai4 pi4'. =P
17 November, 2005
Format my comp can be so tedious.. =.=" It's not becoz it's hard to do but troublesome due to backing up all applications/installers/documents/pictures/musics etc.. So much to backup and download and configure.. I'm juz so lazy but in the end, everything still sui sui.. ^o^
Ok now here i'm, blogging when i'm bored.. Actually i'm very bz with my game.. But nvm lah.. ^^ Erm.. I forgot what i wanted to blog abt.. Oh ya, my angelfire account had been suspensed.. Cannot host music in the meantime.. shacks.. >_< Oh well, let's get personal..
I've been reviewing my life lately.. I found that i'm one weird type.. Nowadays i wun go approach a gal and ask, for the relationship to start.. Well, ever since the last incident, i realised that somethings need not be said.. Let actions do the talking instead.. Well, maybe body-language plays a part.. Maybe not.. watever.. How did we started out that time..? Hmmm, juz like that lor.. I din ask for it, nor did she ask for it.. It juz happened naturally? Think so.. So, we are that mo qi! =P Well, i admit, there's no shortage of fancy, funny sms.. Some mischief too.. =P But still i'm very guai one hor.. Erm, she also very guai one.. Guai bring along a little huai. =D
Well, i'm indeed a very anything guy but appears to be choosy most of the time.. Can't help it, that's me. My colleagues see me as hard-to-get, but i'm not. My colleagues see me as playboy, but i'm not. My colleagues see me as shui bian, but i'm not. Well, i leave it to my friends to judge. Anyway, yes or no i still live my life.. Needless for me to say anything as there's no facts to back it up my words.. Hmm, anyone can get as close to me as possible but dun freak me out.. Juz like someone else.. There.. That one lor.. Aiya, think u ppl know who that one is.. haiz.. Seeing this, i started to feel and think how it is like to be treated how i'm gonna treat that person.. Thus, i will never zhi zhuo.. No point and will scare away ppl.. =.=" Juz like how she scareded me. Sometimes I can get hot-tempered if i'm scareded.. Now i dun even wan to be a friend.. Scary lor.. I've forced myself to hate her but hopefully i doesn't burst out.. But anyway, she is juz being immatured. Bah, let's change topic.
Tomorrow is the day liao.. Comfirm will be going clubbing. With quite a few ppl. ^o^ Really looking forward to it.. Hope it turns out well.. I'm a bad organiser anyway.. >_<
Here's my plan:
Immediately after work gonna meet up with my shan 1st. Oops! I mean shan. Then we go have our dinner nearby. Few of my colleagues will be going but i think let them go eat 1st before all of us meet up at the destination.. Thus, gotta coordinate 3 groups.. Maybe 4 groups.. Another group might be that Michelle opposite my shop. She might be going with her friends as she never went there before. Well, the percentage is low though.. Guess she might think that the whole gang is all guys.. =.=" There'll be at least 3 gals i supposed.. Coz for Carisa side, i still dunno who going but i think angeline will be going with her or maybe her sis, Jenny. Anyway, we all juz wanna have fun in there.. It's gonna be hard to juggle in there.. Haiz. that time that Erica lah.. So anti-social.. Makes me abandone the group and accompany her.. Walao, wat's there to paiseh sia.. At 1st i went with Carisa's group, mainly all gals and i dunno most of them well lor.. And the worst thing is i'm an introvert.. Well, maybe those vodka did their job and let me relax and comfortable.. ^o^ Normally, ppl who are introvert will be very quiet when drunk.. And for hot-tempered ppl, they will be violent.. Mike used to be like that.. I hope i can control him if he were to get drunk tml.. Well, ken will be there to help anyway.. hehe.. I'm juz scared that i will be too bz to accompany everyone if all cannot merged into one.. Haiz.. Very sian one lor.. such situations.. >_< I keep my fingers crossed..
Juz a short blog for today as i'm rushing for boss killing later in my guild.. Almost time liao.. =P I'm post somemore nx time.. Maybe this sunday.. TC all. ^^
Ok now here i'm, blogging when i'm bored.. Actually i'm very bz with my game.. But nvm lah.. ^^ Erm.. I forgot what i wanted to blog abt.. Oh ya, my angelfire account had been suspensed.. Cannot host music in the meantime.. shacks.. >_< Oh well, let's get personal..
I've been reviewing my life lately.. I found that i'm one weird type.. Nowadays i wun go approach a gal and ask, for the relationship to start.. Well, ever since the last incident, i realised that somethings need not be said.. Let actions do the talking instead.. Well, maybe body-language plays a part.. Maybe not.. watever.. How did we started out that time..? Hmmm, juz like that lor.. I din ask for it, nor did she ask for it.. It juz happened naturally? Think so.. So, we are that mo qi! =P Well, i admit, there's no shortage of fancy, funny sms.. Some mischief too.. =P But still i'm very guai one hor.. Erm, she also very guai one.. Guai bring along a little huai. =D
Well, i'm indeed a very anything guy but appears to be choosy most of the time.. Can't help it, that's me. My colleagues see me as hard-to-get, but i'm not. My colleagues see me as playboy, but i'm not. My colleagues see me as shui bian, but i'm not. Well, i leave it to my friends to judge. Anyway, yes or no i still live my life.. Needless for me to say anything as there's no facts to back it up my words.. Hmm, anyone can get as close to me as possible but dun freak me out.. Juz like someone else.. There.. That one lor.. Aiya, think u ppl know who that one is.. haiz.. Seeing this, i started to feel and think how it is like to be treated how i'm gonna treat that person.. Thus, i will never zhi zhuo.. No point and will scare away ppl.. =.=" Juz like how she scareded me. Sometimes I can get hot-tempered if i'm scareded.. Now i dun even wan to be a friend.. Scary lor.. I've forced myself to hate her but hopefully i doesn't burst out.. But anyway, she is juz being immatured. Bah, let's change topic.
Tomorrow is the day liao.. Comfirm will be going clubbing. With quite a few ppl. ^o^ Really looking forward to it.. Hope it turns out well.. I'm a bad organiser anyway.. >_<
Here's my plan:
Immediately after work gonna meet up with my shan 1st. Oops! I mean shan. Then we go have our dinner nearby. Few of my colleagues will be going but i think let them go eat 1st before all of us meet up at the destination.. Thus, gotta coordinate 3 groups.. Maybe 4 groups.. Another group might be that Michelle opposite my shop. She might be going with her friends as she never went there before. Well, the percentage is low though.. Guess she might think that the whole gang is all guys.. =.=" There'll be at least 3 gals i supposed.. Coz for Carisa side, i still dunno who going but i think angeline will be going with her or maybe her sis, Jenny. Anyway, we all juz wanna have fun in there.. It's gonna be hard to juggle in there.. Haiz. that time that Erica lah.. So anti-social.. Makes me abandone the group and accompany her.. Walao, wat's there to paiseh sia.. At 1st i went with Carisa's group, mainly all gals and i dunno most of them well lor.. And the worst thing is i'm an introvert.. Well, maybe those vodka did their job and let me relax and comfortable.. ^o^ Normally, ppl who are introvert will be very quiet when drunk.. And for hot-tempered ppl, they will be violent.. Mike used to be like that.. I hope i can control him if he were to get drunk tml.. Well, ken will be there to help anyway.. hehe.. I'm juz scared that i will be too bz to accompany everyone if all cannot merged into one.. Haiz.. Very sian one lor.. such situations.. >_< I keep my fingers crossed..
Juz a short blog for today as i'm rushing for boss killing later in my guild.. Almost time liao.. =P I'm post somemore nx time.. Maybe this sunday.. TC all. ^^
11 November, 2005
好累啊.. 心煩, 又睡不著.. 咳...
<< 不允许他人随意进入我的零度空间, 宁愿孤独懒的再去想谁>>
<< 俩个人一起是否只是得到一种安慰>>
我真的累了.. 算了吧.. 看开点比较好一些..
<< 逃出黑暗世界开始新的明天>>
<< 不允许他人随意进入我的零度空间, 宁愿孤独懒的再去想谁>>
<< 俩个人一起是否只是得到一种安慰>>
我真的累了.. 算了吧.. 看开点比较好一些..
<< 逃出黑暗世界开始新的明天>>
09 November, 2005
Juz a blog
Hmmm, 1st time hear this song and i like it liao. But it's hard to sing. High and low, fast and slow. Very unique and also powerful in its lyrics.. Kind of shag after listening to it.. Sigh.. But anyway, it's real nice. ^^
Jason's gf had broke off with him last wk. But they are still together. For the time being. Tml, thursday will gonna be the decision-making day. Jason is off tml and he will be going to Selena's place and help them do re-painting. This is his 1st time meeting her parents and grandparents.. Their fate lies here.. Selena's giving him a chance by letting her peers do the decision for them.. Well, though we all see jason as an easy-going guy but 2yrs of relationships not possible to say no feeling de lor.. But anyway, now i can feel that he sian liao though a bit not bear.. Even if Selena wan him, he might not even want her anymore.. Such situation, if it were to be me, i might do the same as jason.. So what, she is very pretty. Many of my friends seen her before, gals say she very chio, guys all almost drop all their teeth.
The hidden truth might be that she had a thing for another guy. And jason taught me this before. If u can get a gal who is attached(be it for awhile or ages), that gal cannot be wanted. Becoz if she can do this to her ex, she can do that to u next time. well, it's a very simple fact.. AT LEAST there's no 100% assurance that she will not. Thus, i said, wat's the point of getting serious? There's no point in that. I stand by this rule firmly, till i break the rule. But not possible. Like what some said, i always treat all gals so good, there's no focus even though i got a gf. Well, not having one to give it all i have, why not juz distribute it out among all? Even though juz friends, can't i treat juz anyone super good as if she is my gf? Well, i ain't any Wei Xiao Bao, i'm juz Weixing. Did i gave the mysterious gal my best, even though i did treat some others good? Yes i did. Out of all, she gained at least 70%. As for what she gained, i'm not telling. Only she and me will know it. I leave it to our own.. For the rest to guess. Whatever you all wanna think, go ahead..
Regarding how come i'm kind of change liao as of what shan said.. Well, in fact i haven't changed a bit. I'm still Weixing. =) Most impt, dun read me like a book. If u think, you will know more abt me thru reading, so be it. I leave it to you, i dun intend to change ppl thinkings. =D I'm a bad guy remember? I keep it as that. =) Juz a kind note, some things are mentioned too exegerated. Well, afterall, this is juz a blog. I wish to rack abt anything, it's all my wish. =) What are true what are exegerated, i leave those to u ppl. If you really knows me well, you shld be able to tell. Dun forget i'm not a book. =)
That day meet shan, when she ask me some stuffs, i can oredi felt something's amiss liao.. Well, the truth is reveal when i saw her blog juz now. As expected.. That's wat i knew abt her. =) Dun get me wrong, i dun see her as a playgal or wat. 16yrs-old nothing much to be surprised abt anything like that.. Juz like Mike and Small One(his gf who is also 16 this yr), Jason also says he see it as puppy-love. That one is very sticky lor, and strict also.. Early in the morning she would go to mike's place and wake him up and pull him to sim lim early to eat breakfast.. Oh i forgot to mention she also working in sim lim same company as us.. Then she is strict becoz, she dun even allow mike to tok to the gal opposite my shop.. =.=" Not to even mentioned call or msg other gals.. Now, even wan to chiong also cannot.. Super tight-down.. Then Jason says "aiya let her be lor, after a while she will be sian liao then will find another guy liao." That meant to be a joke though. But how true issit? I do not know. I leave that to them. =)
Think it's time i go find a gf as a stand-in liao. That gal who is bothering is getting impatience and had been pestering me more. I shall find a stand-in to shoo her off. It's hard to find 'the truth'.. When i'm ready, i always got turn-off.. sigh.. Suan le, no fate means no fate.. If i treat her as 'the truth', later it's me myself who got hurt in the end. =.=" Bah, juz find one to play sua lah.. Ok i gtg play game liao. Bye all.
Jason's gf had broke off with him last wk. But they are still together. For the time being. Tml, thursday will gonna be the decision-making day. Jason is off tml and he will be going to Selena's place and help them do re-painting. This is his 1st time meeting her parents and grandparents.. Their fate lies here.. Selena's giving him a chance by letting her peers do the decision for them.. Well, though we all see jason as an easy-going guy but 2yrs of relationships not possible to say no feeling de lor.. But anyway, now i can feel that he sian liao though a bit not bear.. Even if Selena wan him, he might not even want her anymore.. Such situation, if it were to be me, i might do the same as jason.. So what, she is very pretty. Many of my friends seen her before, gals say she very chio, guys all almost drop all their teeth.
The hidden truth might be that she had a thing for another guy. And jason taught me this before. If u can get a gal who is attached(be it for awhile or ages), that gal cannot be wanted. Becoz if she can do this to her ex, she can do that to u next time. well, it's a very simple fact.. AT LEAST there's no 100% assurance that she will not. Thus, i said, wat's the point of getting serious? There's no point in that. I stand by this rule firmly, till i break the rule. But not possible. Like what some said, i always treat all gals so good, there's no focus even though i got a gf. Well, not having one to give it all i have, why not juz distribute it out among all? Even though juz friends, can't i treat juz anyone super good as if she is my gf? Well, i ain't any Wei Xiao Bao, i'm juz Weixing. Did i gave the mysterious gal my best, even though i did treat some others good? Yes i did. Out of all, she gained at least 70%. As for what she gained, i'm not telling. Only she and me will know it. I leave it to our own.. For the rest to guess. Whatever you all wanna think, go ahead..
Regarding how come i'm kind of change liao as of what shan said.. Well, in fact i haven't changed a bit. I'm still Weixing. =) Most impt, dun read me like a book. If u think, you will know more abt me thru reading, so be it. I leave it to you, i dun intend to change ppl thinkings. =D I'm a bad guy remember? I keep it as that. =) Juz a kind note, some things are mentioned too exegerated. Well, afterall, this is juz a blog. I wish to rack abt anything, it's all my wish. =) What are true what are exegerated, i leave those to u ppl. If you really knows me well, you shld be able to tell. Dun forget i'm not a book. =)
That day meet shan, when she ask me some stuffs, i can oredi felt something's amiss liao.. Well, the truth is reveal when i saw her blog juz now. As expected.. That's wat i knew abt her. =) Dun get me wrong, i dun see her as a playgal or wat. 16yrs-old nothing much to be surprised abt anything like that.. Juz like Mike and Small One(his gf who is also 16 this yr), Jason also says he see it as puppy-love. That one is very sticky lor, and strict also.. Early in the morning she would go to mike's place and wake him up and pull him to sim lim early to eat breakfast.. Oh i forgot to mention she also working in sim lim same company as us.. Then she is strict becoz, she dun even allow mike to tok to the gal opposite my shop.. =.=" Not to even mentioned call or msg other gals.. Now, even wan to chiong also cannot.. Super tight-down.. Then Jason says "aiya let her be lor, after a while she will be sian liao then will find another guy liao." That meant to be a joke though. But how true issit? I do not know. I leave that to them. =)
Think it's time i go find a gf as a stand-in liao. That gal who is bothering is getting impatience and had been pestering me more. I shall find a stand-in to shoo her off. It's hard to find 'the truth'.. When i'm ready, i always got turn-off.. sigh.. Suan le, no fate means no fate.. If i treat her as 'the truth', later it's me myself who got hurt in the end. =.=" Bah, juz find one to play sua lah.. Ok i gtg play game liao. Bye all.
07 November, 2005
Wat a surprise.. =X
Shan actually came down to sim lim today as she got nothing to do. juz to see see my shop.. =.=" No lah, and also for filling up some forms as she's applying for a place in my company.. She quit her Cabana job liao, saying the management is super duper ultra cropped up. Then very funny, she forgot how Jason looks like and Jason forgot how she looks like.. Then in the end, they are like asking me, "erm, who is she/he ah?".. lolx. Both RO players seen each other before but forgot.. =P Well, to err is human. =) Then those guys ah.. Kept crapping when shan is filling up the form. =.= Walao, made her paiseh.. Then in the end i got pinched.. >_<
We went Bugis Street walk walk then she go and buy a spec(without degree). She wanna make herself more toot.. =.=" That zhutou.. Oops! =X Well, nothing much though. After that go eat Mos Burger then i send her to her destination then headed back home.
Hmmm, like wat shan says. "ren wang wang zai shi qu de shi hou, cai hui dong de zhen xi.." How true is that.. Sigh.. But wat to do, most of the ppl are like this. That's why it's always good to treat everyday like the last day of life. Rmb i said if i'm able to live until age of 30 i would be glad? It's to make me live better. Well i'm left with 6 years and 2 mths. It's not long, nor issit short.. Well, life's bored if everyday also unhappy.. But, not everyday sunday lah.. Bound to have ups and downs.. Well, nothing is perfect in this world. For me, i'm glad with wat i have and who i am. Though single but i'm happy(as compared to the tortures mike is experiencing now... =P). A mate is not a muz but a bonus. Have one or not, it's not important at all.
When a person is without the desire to own, he/she can perform better communication with the opposite gender. Well, better communication as in more comfortable chatting with the other party. Well, this is one of the tactic in one of my spam mail. It's a good pick and skill. =) I'm trying to drill this into yuxiang though.. Need to get him to turn bad then pull him outta bad again.. Xiong sia.. But ok lah. =)
That Irene come sms me again asking if we can become so good like last time or not.. Well, she oredi got on my nerve, there's no turning back. Maybe i shld do the cruel way. haiz.. so sian. That's the reason i dun like immature gals. =.= SianZzZzZzZzZ.. Though she taught me something. Never push ur luck too far in relationships. The more u pester, the more hatred u get. The more u fan him/her, the more he/she would wan to ask u to go away and stop being a bother.
That Joan opposite my shop had gotten on my nerves too. That day when she walk past our shop, mike was teasing her so i join in the fun but got ignored. =.=" The flame was ignited at that instant. I was like "wakao, who the hell u think u are? My foot is nicer than u. wuss off." Then actually last friday wanted to go clubbing together with the gals opposite de. Mike ask me to ask Joan whether still on or not and i replied "Me and her very close meh? If she's going, i'm out.". Attitude sia but that's me when my tail is stepped on. I'm being friendly ain't i? Casual jokes are harmless lor. Since she bochap, i show her how bochap i am. When Michelle came into my shop to borrow broom, i still can joke and disturb her. But when Joan came in with Eric, i dun even wan to entertain her. I'm not worthy to be her friend lah. So be it. I wun lose a meat anyway. Hmmm, or shld i say "she's not worthy to be my friend"? That's harsh but i like using "fan diao" sometimes. That wun hurt that much if learnt. =) Darn i'm still so soft on her for wat...? =.=" Bah, watever.
Lately, my friendster friendlist is getting more and more ppl.. ^^ Though i din go get much numbers yet.. =.=" Aiya, so troublesome.. They wan they will give one lah. Asking too much will make myself got detest only.. =P Ok lah i wan go eat dinner liao.. Hungry sia.. Bye all, nite. ^^
We went Bugis Street walk walk then she go and buy a spec(without degree). She wanna make herself more toot.. =.=" That zhutou.. Oops! =X Well, nothing much though. After that go eat Mos Burger then i send her to her destination then headed back home.
Hmmm, like wat shan says. "ren wang wang zai shi qu de shi hou, cai hui dong de zhen xi.." How true is that.. Sigh.. But wat to do, most of the ppl are like this. That's why it's always good to treat everyday like the last day of life. Rmb i said if i'm able to live until age of 30 i would be glad? It's to make me live better. Well i'm left with 6 years and 2 mths. It's not long, nor issit short.. Well, life's bored if everyday also unhappy.. But, not everyday sunday lah.. Bound to have ups and downs.. Well, nothing is perfect in this world. For me, i'm glad with wat i have and who i am. Though single but i'm happy(as compared to the tortures mike is experiencing now... =P). A mate is not a muz but a bonus. Have one or not, it's not important at all.
When a person is without the desire to own, he/she can perform better communication with the opposite gender. Well, better communication as in more comfortable chatting with the other party. Well, this is one of the tactic in one of my spam mail. It's a good pick and skill. =) I'm trying to drill this into yuxiang though.. Need to get him to turn bad then pull him outta bad again.. Xiong sia.. But ok lah. =)
That Irene come sms me again asking if we can become so good like last time or not.. Well, she oredi got on my nerve, there's no turning back. Maybe i shld do the cruel way. haiz.. so sian. That's the reason i dun like immature gals. =.= SianZzZzZzZzZ.. Though she taught me something. Never push ur luck too far in relationships. The more u pester, the more hatred u get. The more u fan him/her, the more he/she would wan to ask u to go away and stop being a bother.
That Joan opposite my shop had gotten on my nerves too. That day when she walk past our shop, mike was teasing her so i join in the fun but got ignored. =.=" The flame was ignited at that instant. I was like "wakao, who the hell u think u are? My foot is nicer than u. wuss off." Then actually last friday wanted to go clubbing together with the gals opposite de. Mike ask me to ask Joan whether still on or not and i replied "Me and her very close meh? If she's going, i'm out.". Attitude sia but that's me when my tail is stepped on. I'm being friendly ain't i? Casual jokes are harmless lor. Since she bochap, i show her how bochap i am. When Michelle came into my shop to borrow broom, i still can joke and disturb her. But when Joan came in with Eric, i dun even wan to entertain her. I'm not worthy to be her friend lah. So be it. I wun lose a meat anyway. Hmmm, or shld i say "she's not worthy to be my friend"? That's harsh but i like using "fan diao" sometimes. That wun hurt that much if learnt. =) Darn i'm still so soft on her for wat...? =.=" Bah, watever.
Lately, my friendster friendlist is getting more and more ppl.. ^^ Though i din go get much numbers yet.. =.=" Aiya, so troublesome.. They wan they will give one lah. Asking too much will make myself got detest only.. =P Ok lah i wan go eat dinner liao.. Hungry sia.. Bye all, nite. ^^
01 November, 2005
Happy~~ =D
I've got a new toy~~ ^^ Long time no 'chong' myself liao.. ^^

There it is~ A Palm-top. A temporary stand-in before i get my O2 mini. ^^ Not so good but not too bad. ^^ MP3, 1.2m Camera, Contact storage, Schedules, Notes, etc. ^^ It's called Palm Zire 72. =D
Yesterday nite after shopping at Bugis Village(now known as Bugis Street) with Jason & Mike, when reach home, whole nite playing my new toy until 3am.. lolx.. Still trying to try-out whatever it can do. Still not done yet though.. =.= Well, at least now i can surf the net even when my sis took over my comp for a long long time. ^^ At Bugis, Jason bought 2 cute handbags for his gf, trying to please her out. Haha.. Kinda a bit too late though.. But, nothing is impossible. =) Though gals are really an easy catch but cultivating one is tough. At least his current one had been cultivated for 2yrs liao. Somemore, pretty leh. ^^ Mike bought 3 t-shirts and a small handbag for his gf but in the end his gf dun like the brand(luckily it's only $5.. ^^). As for me, i bought a black sling bag for myself and a pinky-purple bag for shan. My bag looks nicer and cheaper though.. =P But hers is not bad lah, stussy de. ^^ But scared she no like it. Anyway, for bringing to work nia.. Shld be fine lah.. hehe.. At most nx time bring her go see and buy her one that she likes lor. hehe =P
I thought i can get my off liao.. >_<>_< More than 2mths no off! sob! Total will be almost 6mths no off! Excluding the mc that day. T.T Bah, so be it. My very 1st off day, i'm oredi thinking how am i gonna spend it.. Too long no off liao, thus, dunno how shld i spend it.. Slacking at home playing game would be too wasted liao. Find ppl go out would have to crack my brain very hard to see who can i ask out on monday. =.=" Or maybe i shld go meet up anyone who is free, one by one.. lolx.. I pity my translink card. =P But, who cares abt that. =) Friends more impt mah. ^^ Lucky no gf, if not surely got occupied by her! =P But anyway, i got all the time i want to plan. =) With my new PDA. ^^
My colleague, Anthony, got a gf in China. Though me and mike kept on 'see china gals, guess how much, then say "Oh, it's a MIC(made in china)" and laugh', he did not say anything but smile. Suddenly one day he said something and woke me up..
"Sg gals mostly go for 5 Cs lah, wat crap lah, good looking or not lah, etc. Though MICs seem shui bian but they are contented with watever sg guys gave them. Got rice eat rice, wouldn't ask for sashimi. Got water drink water, wouldn't ask for Brandy."
How true is that? Well, i agree. Not to mention those cheapo MICs as advertised by singapore government. Those are naturally no diff from those condemned singaporeans. But i've seen alot of good MICs. =) Well, MIMs aren't that bad either. ^^
Now i knew 2 Erica.. =.= The 1st one is the violent one. =X 2nd one is a supplier from Abadi Computers. That day she came to my shop and ask if there's anything i wanna order, then after ordering some stuffs from her, she asked for my number and say that anything she will get back to me. =.=" I tell her that can call my office to find me de but she insist. =.=" Watever.. Opposite my shop that Joan also funny. =.=" Wan buy cigarettes but ask mike help her and not me. In the end also me who help her order. =.=" I got so scary meh? =P
That Angela(opposite my shop) also got disturb by me. Yesterday she tied up her hair then i told her "When u tied up ur hair, then u do look like u are 18. =P) Then i teased her by calling her 'auntie'.. lolx.. She ask me normally she look like wat age and i tell her '27'.. Haha.. She almost dropped upon hearing that.. haha.. =P Maybe going chiong with them this friday. Angela jio de.. Still dunno wan to go or not.. =.=
There it is~ A Palm-top. A temporary stand-in before i get my O2 mini. ^^ Not so good but not too bad. ^^ MP3, 1.2m Camera, Contact storage, Schedules, Notes, etc. ^^ It's called Palm Zire 72. =D
Yesterday nite after shopping at Bugis Village(now known as Bugis Street) with Jason & Mike, when reach home, whole nite playing my new toy until 3am.. lolx.. Still trying to try-out whatever it can do. Still not done yet though.. =.= Well, at least now i can surf the net even when my sis took over my comp for a long long time. ^^ At Bugis, Jason bought 2 cute handbags for his gf, trying to please her out. Haha.. Kinda a bit too late though.. But, nothing is impossible. =) Though gals are really an easy catch but cultivating one is tough. At least his current one had been cultivated for 2yrs liao. Somemore, pretty leh. ^^ Mike bought 3 t-shirts and a small handbag for his gf but in the end his gf dun like the brand(luckily it's only $5.. ^^). As for me, i bought a black sling bag for myself and a pinky-purple bag for shan. My bag looks nicer and cheaper though.. =P But hers is not bad lah, stussy de. ^^ But scared she no like it. Anyway, for bringing to work nia.. Shld be fine lah.. hehe.. At most nx time bring her go see and buy her one that she likes lor. hehe =P
I thought i can get my off liao.. >_<>_< More than 2mths no off! sob! Total will be almost 6mths no off! Excluding the mc that day. T.T Bah, so be it. My very 1st off day, i'm oredi thinking how am i gonna spend it.. Too long no off liao, thus, dunno how shld i spend it.. Slacking at home playing game would be too wasted liao. Find ppl go out would have to crack my brain very hard to see who can i ask out on monday. =.=" Or maybe i shld go meet up anyone who is free, one by one.. lolx.. I pity my translink card. =P But, who cares abt that. =) Friends more impt mah. ^^ Lucky no gf, if not surely got occupied by her! =P But anyway, i got all the time i want to plan. =) With my new PDA. ^^
My colleague, Anthony, got a gf in China. Though me and mike kept on 'see china gals, guess how much, then say "Oh, it's a MIC(made in china)" and laugh', he did not say anything but smile. Suddenly one day he said something and woke me up..
"Sg gals mostly go for 5 Cs lah, wat crap lah, good looking or not lah, etc. Though MICs seem shui bian but they are contented with watever sg guys gave them. Got rice eat rice, wouldn't ask for sashimi. Got water drink water, wouldn't ask for Brandy."
How true is that? Well, i agree. Not to mention those cheapo MICs as advertised by singapore government. Those are naturally no diff from those condemned singaporeans. But i've seen alot of good MICs. =) Well, MIMs aren't that bad either. ^^
Now i knew 2 Erica.. =.= The 1st one is the violent one. =X 2nd one is a supplier from Abadi Computers. That day she came to my shop and ask if there's anything i wanna order, then after ordering some stuffs from her, she asked for my number and say that anything she will get back to me. =.=" I tell her that can call my office to find me de but she insist. =.=" Watever.. Opposite my shop that Joan also funny. =.=" Wan buy cigarettes but ask mike help her and not me. In the end also me who help her order. =.=" I got so scary meh? =P
That Angela(opposite my shop) also got disturb by me. Yesterday she tied up her hair then i told her "When u tied up ur hair, then u do look like u are 18. =P) Then i teased her by calling her 'auntie'.. lolx.. She ask me normally she look like wat age and i tell her '27'.. Haha.. She almost dropped upon hearing that.. haha.. =P Maybe going chiong with them this friday. Angela jio de.. Still dunno wan to go or not.. =.=
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