There it is~ A Palm-top. A temporary stand-in before i get my O2 mini. ^^ Not so good but not too bad. ^^ MP3, 1.2m Camera, Contact storage, Schedules, Notes, etc. ^^ It's called Palm Zire 72. =D
Yesterday nite after shopping at Bugis Village(now known as Bugis Street) with Jason & Mike, when reach home, whole nite playing my new toy until 3am.. lolx.. Still trying to try-out whatever it can do. Still not done yet though.. =.= Well, at least now i can surf the net even when my sis took over my comp for a long long time. ^^ At Bugis, Jason bought 2 cute handbags for his gf, trying to please her out. Haha.. Kinda a bit too late though.. But, nothing is impossible. =) Though gals are really an easy catch but cultivating one is tough. At least his current one had been cultivated for 2yrs liao. Somemore, pretty leh. ^^ Mike bought 3 t-shirts and a small handbag for his gf but in the end his gf dun like the brand(luckily it's only $5.. ^^). As for me, i bought a black sling bag for myself and a pinky-purple bag for shan. My bag looks nicer and cheaper though.. =P But hers is not bad lah, stussy de. ^^ But scared she no like it. Anyway, for bringing to work nia.. Shld be fine lah.. hehe.. At most nx time bring her go see and buy her one that she likes lor. hehe =P
I thought i can get my off liao.. >_<>_< More than 2mths no off! sob! Total will be almost 6mths no off! Excluding the mc that day. T.T Bah, so be it. My very 1st off day, i'm oredi thinking how am i gonna spend it.. Too long no off liao, thus, dunno how shld i spend it.. Slacking at home playing game would be too wasted liao. Find ppl go out would have to crack my brain very hard to see who can i ask out on monday. =.=" Or maybe i shld go meet up anyone who is free, one by one.. lolx.. I pity my translink card. =P But, who cares abt that. =) Friends more impt mah. ^^ Lucky no gf, if not surely got occupied by her! =P But anyway, i got all the time i want to plan. =) With my new PDA. ^^
My colleague, Anthony, got a gf in China. Though me and mike kept on 'see china gals, guess how much, then say "Oh, it's a MIC(made in china)" and laugh', he did not say anything but smile. Suddenly one day he said something and woke me up..
"Sg gals mostly go for 5 Cs lah, wat crap lah, good looking or not lah, etc. Though MICs seem shui bian but they are contented with watever sg guys gave them. Got rice eat rice, wouldn't ask for sashimi. Got water drink water, wouldn't ask for Brandy."
How true is that? Well, i agree. Not to mention those cheapo MICs as advertised by singapore government. Those are naturally no diff from those condemned singaporeans. But i've seen alot of good MICs. =) Well, MIMs aren't that bad either. ^^
Now i knew 2 Erica.. =.= The 1st one is the violent one. =X 2nd one is a supplier from Abadi Computers. That day she came to my shop and ask if there's anything i wanna order, then after ordering some stuffs from her, she asked for my number and say that anything she will get back to me. =.=" I tell her that can call my office to find me de but she insist. =.=" Watever.. Opposite my shop that Joan also funny. =.=" Wan buy cigarettes but ask mike help her and not me. In the end also me who help her order. =.=" I got so scary meh? =P
That Angela(opposite my shop) also got disturb by me. Yesterday she tied up her hair then i told her "When u tied up ur hair, then u do look like u are 18. =P) Then i teased her by calling her 'auntie'.. lolx.. She ask me normally she look like wat age and i tell her '27'.. Haha.. She almost dropped upon hearing that.. haha.. =P Maybe going chiong with them this friday. Angela jio de.. Still dunno wan to go or not.. =.=