Taken from Mel..
The Other Side Of Love
For most, love is when they held hands tightly with the one they love.For me, love is only remembering how I held his hands to keep him warm while he was shivering. That's love.
For most, love is when they went out on their first date feeling sheepish and shy towards each other.For me, love is when he readily wants to hide away and not looking into my eyes the first time we met. And we weren't out alone. But I felt like I was in heaven. That's love.
For most, love is receiving the first gift and treasuring it more than anything. For me, his first ever personal thing to be given to me was a greeting card with only a sentence handwritten by him in there. And somemore that card wasn't solely from him. But I treasure it more than anything. That's love.
For most, love is listening to the songs they both love and smiling with memories together.For me, love is listening to the songs we both shared and loved and knowing we will never share them again but yet am thankful they once belonged to us. That's love.
For most, love is when one party falls sick and yearns to see the other party.For me, love is when he's sick and I stupidly goes looking for him without being asked to and only to leave the bottle of herbal tea and gifts in the "bulky refuse bin" which he collected from an hr later. That's love.
For most, love is doing gifts and giving it to the special someone.For me, love is accidentally spoiling the cross stitch meant for him and still keeping it till today becos it means so much still. That's love. (now u know what is the gift I wanted to do for you and spolit the other time)
For most, love is when the guy comforts the girl when something bad happened and when she's crying.For me, love is when he knows I'm crying without me telling him. And he sighs and says nothing else. And by knowing he knows, I'm comforted somehow. That's love.
For most, love is a hug that says "I can't wait to see u again." when it's time to leave.For me, love is when I hugged him and not knowing if we'll ever meet again after this hug. That's love.
For most, love is being called "dear, sweetie, honey, darling etc."For me, love is when he simply says my name or even types my name. Even my surname. It sends shudders. That's love.
For most, love is being happy every minute when they're together.For me, love is when he's happy every minute when I'm with him. That's love.
For most, love is when "I love you" is expressed daily in different forms of acts. From hugs to msgs.For me, love is when I know he knows I'm always there despite him not saying a thing or telling me he appreciates my presence and still be there for him. That's love.
For most, love is when quarreling always ends with a much stronger r/ship. For me, love is when he's so dumb and doesn't even know he needs to say sorry but yet, I can't seem to find myself angry with him time and again. That's love.
For most, love is when they first kissed.For me, love is when I kissed him on the cheek and he said "Msg me when u get home." right after that while smiling. And the next day, it seemed nothing had happened. But yet, it still remained in my heart and I know it's real. That's love.
For most, love is everlasting and forever.For me, love is short but prolonged by memories and withstand and upheld by thoughts of us. That's love.
For most, love is blind and could spell danger.For me, love is clear as the sky and spells sweetness even though my skies were grey most of the time and it's all bittersweet memories. That's love.
For most, love is when they say "I do".For me, love is when I say "I don't."
That's love.
You'll always be a part of me, xiaozhu. I'll always rmb u and the times we shared though it wasn't really that magnificent. But to me, it was the world then. Thank you for everything. Thank you for remaining to be quiet till now. Thank you for leaving me alone. Thank you for not telling me u miss me too. Thank you for not doing anything to make me stay. Thank you for pretending everything is happy for you. Thank you for not doing what I wish u would do. Thank you for always being that you that I've always loved and hated at the same time. Thank you for not telling me u're hurting too. Thank you for not showing u dun like this outcome too. Thank you for allowing me to still see u on msn once in a while. Thank you for all the wonderful memories this one yr plus. I believe one day, we will meet again. And when we do, promise me, you'll smile at me.
Last but not least, I'll learn to love again. I'll let others love me too. And I'll be happy. Be happy too ok? That's my permanent wish on my wishlist. Loving you.... xiaozhu. I still think this name suits u so well. Haha. Till we meet, I'm Gonna Miss You!...
God bless you.
She's so... Dunno how to put it in words.. Wonder why he walked outta her.. Sigh reality bites. Life still goes on, sweetie. =)