He is a real stubborn guy who do not listen at all when he's agitated or angry. Just like how he was at primary school. Oh well, my nagging do works though but i might seriously lead him astray. I'm refering to ways of thinking not really 'bad things'. But i kinda feel weird myself. After talking senses into him and turn his despair into nothing, next comes 'gals are nothing but rubbish'. All these are taught by my friends as well as through research and also through friends' experiences.
Shan is one example. I'm not saying she's bad. To me, she is a person who can take it up and put it down easily. Was she not serious at all at BGR? Well, i'm sure she IS serious. So how can she just easily got hitch after few days break-up with ex bf? Well, a new one can heal one's wound. Happiness will cover the sadness. No matter how deep is the sadness, happiness definitely can cover it. But conservative people do not think that way. Simply dwell on it and cried buckets over spilled bean. Well, you can cry buckets over it but after that just get it over and clear the mess lah. It's not as if crying for years and the mess would be cleared automatically. Clearing the mess refers to your thoughts on how to handle it.
Well, so what did i told him exactly? Hmmm i not too sure as i was drunk too. Thus, my words are pretty aggressive on changing his thinking. For example, "break? break lor. Gals only what. So what? I've been single for 4 years ever since Karen and how come i'm still here happy-go-lucky? The pain is not gone, for it is forever there. But nothing's gonna changed even if i were to still be in that sad state. I don't need a gf to survive. Ask them save it up and don't come waste my time." This is how aggressive i'm on emphasising how gals shld be treated when heart-broken. Well, it's not the end of the world but the start of a new begining.
Come to think about what i had said. Am i really like that? Well, i don't know. I leave it to my friends to judge. Anyway, i can't just change anyone's point of view on me, neither would i really care. Might change a bit of my life but not much. =) Coz most ppl know how bad i'm liao. MUAHAHAHAHAAHA~~ =D
Oh well, i had gastric i think.. Constant gastric is no good.. I dun wanna see the doctor leh.. >_< Wait i got time then go pay him a visit.. At least for now, it's minor. Dun worry, i said i'll be glad if i'm able to live until age of 30. Should be able to tahan till then. =)
Hmmm, the shop that is opposite my shop is not moving liao.. Thus, if i were to take control of the accessories shop beside them, i might be changing my job soon. When i wan to think positively, no negative can get to me. When i wan to think negatively, no positive can get to me. But i'm afraid i can't bear to leave.. Sigh.. I hate life sometimes.. Reality bites..
Cubbing at Double-O with Ken(Left) and Mike(Right)
Logitech Promoter at one of our outlet. She is fierce one lor... >.<
My two colleagues at the other branch. JingJing and Kristina. Both also fierce de...
My colleague Kevin. He is also my camp-mate in School of Signals. I dun have his self pic and i promise not to anyhow show ppl this pic thus i had to cut.. ^o^
I dunno who is this. =.= But cute rite? ^o^
Okie lah, enuff of bo liao. I'm intending to get a digital camera.. A slim one rather than a good quality one. Kevin advise me to get Canon FX-series but i see Canon S80 chio leh.. Aiya when i go see i will know which to get. Still awaiting my bonus.. ^^ It's been a long time since i last received a bonus. First time and last time was from my 1st computer company before i went army.. sad.. Who want yang wo~~? lolx. =P Ok then i go play my game liao. bubye~~