Yesterday morning i tio di siao.. >_< By Angela, the gal opp my shop de. Early in the morning 1st thing that i did is to check my ink cartridges and see if there's any need to top-up from my main branch.. All my ink cartridges are placed near the entrance of my shop. As i was walking over i saw Angela standing near her shop entrance outside the counter leaning her butt by the side against the glass table chatting with Eric who was inside the counter. She was facing our shop. =.= Ok i admit, i took a glance of them. When i was checking my Canon inks, suddenly she told Eric, "Wah, ta zhen de hen shou leh. Bu guo hai hao lah..". She was obviously saying me.. =.= The whole stretch of shops, i'm still the only skinny one. =.= When she passed that remarks, i did not even care to look out to them but i endure trying not to smile.. Simply bo chap.. =P But then, not very comfortable lor.. Really feel like stopping watever i'm doing and walk over to them and say, "Wah, ni zhen de hen da zhi.." Well, she IS big size mah, for a 18-yr-old gal with a 25-yr-old figure and built.. =X Upon thinking this, my mind is full of thoughts of how she gonna react.. Lolx.. Feel like laughing but can't lor.. lolx.. Later she thought otherwise.. haha.. Dun care better.. =P Then today got a guy went into their shop and got her num. Teehee.. Afterall she's a popular one with so many guys eyeing her body. =X
I told mike my planning for the next dbl-o outing and he was scareded.. lolx.. That time that waterfall at dbl-o had made him fall sick(with stomach flu i think) for almost a wk lor.. But this time if we go we each shall ordered a dozen of shots(Neat Tequila i prefered. ^o^) and 3 jugs of different vodka. I presummed there are total of 3 person going, thus, 36 shots and 3 jugs. ^o^ Then after that we play 5-10(hands guessing game which will made one drink fast coz loser will drink one shots). Everyone muz finish their own dozen of shots and if anyone finish shall drink those jugs of vodka, sip by sip with 10 straws of coz! Muahahaha~! Scarli my idea got myself drunk 1st.. =.= But anyway, that will be very fun coz EVERYONE will be drunk very soon. Then the happy-clubbing will start. =) I do not know why but when everyone is drunk, the fun then will start. Of coz with me starting the ball rolling. =P I can't wait till then! >_< But might change the plan to half a dozen coz ken dun really know how to drink neat. Later he got raped then i'm gonna be answerable for it(though he will not lose out if the partner is a gal.. ^o^). Anyway, since the 3 of us not having any gf, it's time for a little wild fun. Somemore without any gals around us would make things easier.. =P But it's true. =) However, if can choose i would still wanted a gf beside me. ^_^ Anyway, not long liao.. hehehe.. *Fingers crossed* =P
The shop CYMAX had been renovated and in a few days time, grand opening is starting. The deco is no diff as eSquare lor.. Crap.. Still say wan a change.. =.= Today, a lot of our printers and LCDs are inside the new shop liao.. The table for displaying Notebooks had been setup and ready to use liao.. I'm so excited yet scared. Coz till now i still do not know wat's the actual planning.. At 1st, they said the planning for 5th floor is, they will be taking up 5 shops and join them up to one(as in breaking the 'walls' or rather partition) and opposite the big shop are 2 shops(also join together). Last but not least, one more shop beside the big shop(1 shop away from the big shop) and will be still linked to the big shop as the back can be broken and link-up.. I show u the floor-plan..
See the big square boxes? The 'new shop' and the shop between 'new shop' and 'my shop' is currently occupied by Laser. HWH is my previous company before i went army. Broken lines indicate to be broken down. 'Laser' and 'new shop' are oredi 2 shops combined into one.. Thus when combined all the grey would be combining 6 shops.. Oppsite us would be combined too.. Grey shop will be selling Notebooks, LCDs, Networks, DIY computers, Softwares and Games(the shop above HWH is a gameshop owned by us), etc. Oppsite will be selling computer accessories like my current shop.. Now the thing is, i dunno would i be placed at grey or orange.. If grey, it would be stressful and exciting. If orange, it gonna be boring.. The previously planning is i would be at grey but i heard that i might be at orange or will be running both.. >_< I'm a human lor.. Everything also wan me to tahan meh? Tahan so much but salary din go up lor.. Somemore might not have off again.. Walao.. But still, working in this company is fun and challenging.. ^_^ Anyway, even if i were to leave, they will not close down lor and anytime i can get approach for other jobs.. Afterall, i had been working in Sim Lim for 5yrs(including the 2yrs before i went army) liao.. =)
Jasmine suddenly called me today and ask me go pei her eat dinner tomorrow nite.. As she wanted to go shopping at Bugis Parco and her bf not free to accompany her.. =.= Spare tire.. lolx.. No lah, yuxiang and jinlun might be coming too. Another childhood gathering dinner. ^o^
I really dun understand why shan said that in my tag lor.. Did i say her? o.O No leh.. I dote on her so much, how would i bear to say her? I would only say her for her own good but not on smoking as i myself is a smoker so i will not say her de.. sigh.. Sad.. sob! But anyway, no matter wat i still will dote on her. Juz like how i dote on 'her'.. Toking abt shan, that time i went to see her at her working place that day. I missed my last bus.. Waited at the bus-stop till abt 1.15am.. Been thinking of lotsa things.. Then suddenly i felt the urge to walk home.. Yes, walk home from Marine Parade to Chinatown. HO EH! Good one lor. But really, i did. i reach home at 4am and the next day i still climb up and go work.. Though with my legs aching lah.. Too long no exercise liao.. hehe.. That walk seriously helped me think things thru.. That's how i'm able to post those words for the mysterious gal which touched her(she told me so..). With the theme song and the power of my words, well, any gals shld be moved.. Anyway, dun think she did moved to tears but anyway, i'm somehow glad when she smsed me and told me that comments.. That indeed bring a smile to my face and my life.. Waiting or not waiting is no longer important. Both of us had matured somehow in a way or another. Wat's meant to be will be. Wat's meant not to be, there's no point having the both of us in suffering. If only all of us can be like shan who can stand up so easily from fallen battles. I'm not one as i'm only putting on a tough front(as wat celena said and she really know me well. a hug for ya *hug* =P). But still, time will tell and heal everything but most impt is still on self.
Anyway, i wan go play my game liao. Nite all. Good luck to those who still studying. ^^ Gambatte ne! Oyasumninasai, minna san~